
This blog is my corner of the the internet to share my fitness journey. From fun workouts, to nutirtion to success and failures...you will find it all here!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Where I am so far

So, I have been working out and trying to eat healthier for a while now (its been close to 9 months)...and I am really starting to see results! Isn't that just the best feeling in the entire universe? i got back into my cute skinny jeans from 2006, they don't fit perfectly just yet, but I got my post twin pregnancy body into the damn things! Can I get a hooray!?
So, I am going to detail some of my workout habits that I have picked up for the past few months, from arm to leg to cardio routines, I want to share what I have been doing and what has worked for me.

I started out feeling a bit self conscious about myself and my ability, so i just stuck with hard cardio for the first few months. I just wanted to hid in the back of a class, get a good sweat and then leave. I am a huge fan of spinning (cycling) classes, so I made the commitment to get to at least 2 of these a week. Spinning so so fantastic for a great number of reasons, its low impact so its easy on your knees, it burns hundreds of calories per class (500-700 depending on how hard to push it) and its just all around fun class. You can go at your own personal pace so you dont have to be a cycling pro to attend a class. The instructors play fast paced fun music, which helps to pass the time and take your mind off of all the hard work that you are doing.
If you are new to the gym and are looking to get a great workout in I would absolutely recommend trying out a spinning class. You will get a good workout and its a great place to burn off a ton of calories.
I credit the spinning with seeing some quick results in my figure. Pair it with eating right and its a recipe for skinny jeans! :)

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